The municipality of Citalá is located in the north of the country, right on the border with Honduras:

How to get to Citalá from San Salvador:
By car:
Take highway CA-4 heading north. Near the end of the highway, you will pass through the town of La Palma. In La Palma, you
will come to a divide in the road at the top of a small hill--look for the statue of the Virgen Mary at the dividing point.
Follow the road off to the right. When you arrive in El Poy, you will pass by a bus terminal on your left. (Look for the sign
that says "Pilsener" on the restaurant next to the terminal.) You will then come to a green sign on your right that says "CITALA,"
with an arrow pointing to the left. On block after that, turn left and cross the bridge. Follow the road around to the right,
which will lead you into the central park area and the Catholic church of Citalá.
By bus:
From the Eastern Terminal of San Salvador, take bus No. 119 for "El Poy / La Palma." Buses leave every half hour. Get off
the bus at the last stop, the bus terminal of El Poy. From the terminal, head left toward the border crossing with Honduras.
When you arrive at an intersection with a road heading off to the left, head left and cross the bridge. Follow the road off
to the right until you arrive in the town of Citalá.
Click here for a map of Citalá